Monthly Meetings


Our monthly meetings offer talks, demonstrations, practical activities and the chance to just have a chat for anyone interested in art. Open to members and non-members.

All meetings take place from 7.30-9.30pm at Chase Side School, Trinity Street, Enfield, EN2 6NS.

Entry is free to EAC members. Visitors welcome: £7.

Thursday 11 January

Demonstration: Painting a portrait in acrylics with Keith Morton

Thursday 8 February

Workshop: Lovebugs, led by Kim Amis. A drawing project in preparation for Valentine’s Day

Thursday 14 March

Annual General Meeting, followed by a quiz

Thursday 18 April

Talk: An Artist in the Natural World, with artist and author Bruce Pearson. An illustrated talk on wildlife and the natural world, plus Bruce Pearson’s own artwork

Thursday 9 May

Critique of members’ works by Estelle Lovatt FRSA

Thursday 13 June

Demonstration: Creating a cafe/street scene, with Joel Wareing

Thursday 12 September

Demonstration: Calligraphy with Anthea Zacharatos

Thursday 10 October

Workshop: Printing with Charlotte Staunton

Thursday 14 November

Practical: Drawing a clothed model with Michael Hardyman

Thursday 12 December

Christmas social and art appreciation: Enjoy a chat and seasonal refreshments with fellow members. Artists are invited to bring along an example or two of their work this year for display around the room and general discussion (optional)

Weekly art classes


Pauline Hazelwood

I’ve exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery and Mall Galleries. I also write and illustrate the Saddletank book series. 

See my work at:


Art Class

This is a friendly, relaxed group for painters in water-based mediums, including watercolour, gouache, acrylic and water-mixable oils. There is usually a demo at each class, plus a variety of tools and paints to try out.

At: Enfield Chase Tennis Club
6 Mortimer Drive, Enfield EN1 2LH

Time: Mondays, 10am-12.30pm
During term time

Cost: £140 per 10 week term

New members and beginners are welcome.

For more info contact:
Pauline Hazelwood on 07876 487427


Printing Class

We are a small, friendly group, from beginners through to experienced. We use vegetable, press print, lino cut, Gelli printing, screen printing, calligraphy and experimental ideas.

It is an advantage to have some experience, but is not essential.


At: Salisbury House
Bury St West, Bush Hill Park N9 9LA

: 10.30am–2.30pm

  £80 for 10 weeks

For more info contact:

Betty Bennett on 07944 729 616


Kitchener Art Class

Learn the techniques of art in a relaxed atmosphere with individual support. 

Teaching skills mainly in drawing and watercolour with a wide variety of subject matter ie nature/floral themes, portraits, animals etc, also in pen and inks and mixed media works.

New members welcome to all classes.

At: Enfield Chase Tennis Club
6 Mortimer Drive, Enfield EN1 2LH

Time: 10am-12 noon or  1pm-3pm (2hrs) During term time

Classes run 10 January to 20 March (half term, 14 February – no class)

Cost: £110 for 10 weeks

For more info contact:
Dolores Kitchener on 07852 348 236


Relaxed Art Class

Relaxed, no pressure, do your own thing. Occasional workshops.

No tutor, but help available if needed.

At: Friday Group at Salisbury House
Bury Street West, Edmonton N9 9LA

Time: 10am-1pm   During term time

For more info contact:
Peter Brown on 020 8366 2347    

Kitchener Art Class

Learn the techniques of art in a relaxed atmosphere with individual support. 

Teaching skills mainly in drawing and watercolour with a wide variety of subject matter ie nature/floral themes, portraits, animals etc, also in pen and inks and mixed media works.

New members welcome to all classes.

At: Enfield Chase Tennis Club
6 Mortimer Drive, Enfield EN1 2LH

Time: 10am-12.30pm or 1.30pm-4pm (2.5hrs) During term time

Classes run 12 January to 22 March (half term, 16 February – no class)

Cost: £125 for 10 weeks

For more info contact:
Dolores Kitchener on 07852 348 236


Outdoor sessions

Saturday 6 July

Broomfield Park – meet at the Greenery cafe

Sunday 21 July

Forty Hall – meet in front of the house by the lions

Sunday 4th August

Myddelton House Gardens – meet outside the cafe

We meet up at 10.30 at each location and sessions generally last about two hours but you are free to stay as long as you like. Dress for the weather and bring whatever medium you prefer to work with and lightweight chair, or use the benches available.

Summer gives us the chance to meet up as a group at various places in the Enfield area. All members and friends are welcome to join us.

Saturday 6 July                 Broomfield Park – meet at the Greenery Cafe

Sunday 21 July                   Forty Hall – meet at the front of the house beside the lions

Sunday 4 August              Myddelton House Gardens – meet outside the cafe